Friday 13 January 2017

Wonder  Woman [2K Wall Paper]
Wonder Woman Movie News :
Aries has been confirmed as the main villian or baddie for the DCEU movie
Green Lantern Corps News :
More news from most speculated movie in DCEU after the major bombed movie back in 2011.
now we have some pretty good news that GL is back in business and its going to be a Lethal Weapon in space thats kinda interesting. Hyped for the movie
The Batman News :
Ben Affleck (Batfleck) is surely going to direct the movie,and news that him not directing the movie are just speculations. "We Are With You Ben "
Justice League News :
If you are reading this Zack Snyder
We are still waiting for the trailer .Pls make it soon
Flash News :
There is still no director for the movie
as they say "Karma Is A Bitch "